Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Watermelon & Jesus: why both are worth the wait

Sweet Summertime. After what felt like the longest Winter in the history of my momhood, Summer is finally here. 

Which means my kids are eating all the things all day long. ALL. DAY. LONG. Pints of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. Whole cantaloupes and even watermelons in A DAY. Bunches of bananas and bags of grapes. They have a thing for fruit—and I can’t blame them. There’s something about eating fruit in the Summertime that is just so refreshing. It just feels so...right. 

My kids are particularly obsessed with Watermelon. The moment I bring it home they want me to cut it up. I’ve explained to them over and over again that it would be best to wait a few days to make sure it’s really ripe before cutting into it. “But whyyyyyy?” they whine. “I want it now!” 

Sometimes I can distract them and end the incessant whining by offering them a less healthy snack (bribery or genius? You decide.) Thank you Jesus for chips & dip. 
Other times they just won’t quit. “I don’t care if it’s not ripe mommy! Cut it! I WANT WATERMELON NOW!” 


This exact scenario played out in my kitchen just the other day. Frustration overcame me and I replied, “Fine, I’ll cut it! But if it’s not sweet I don’t want to hear about it because I’ve told you a thousand times it would be best to wait!” 

Unanimous cheering erupted from the little people. 

I cut it open and it was a pinkish red. I knew it could have benefited from waiting another day or two to reach its full potential of sweetness. Alas, I cut it all up into little squares and dished it out in bowls to my kids. 

“Well, how is it?” I asked. My 6 year old replied, “it’s sweet enough.”

It’s sweet. Pause. Enough

And then a still small voice said to me, “why do you accept sweet ‘enough’ when I have the absolute sweetest to offer you?” 

And I realized I can be exactly like the eager and impatient child who desires something good but doesn’t want to wait for it to become something better. Who doesn’t want to wait for His best. 

How many times have you settled for good enough? Sweet enough? Full enough? If you’re anything like me, it’s a lot. 

But Jesus doesn’t intend for us to just have enough. He desires to give us overflowing, abundant, the fullest, the sweetest, the BEST life. In all things. In all areas. In all seasons. 

Are you waiting on Him? Are you seeking Him in the good to see how He will transform it into the best? Or are you settling for good enough because you don’t want to endure the wait?

Don’t settle for sweet enough friends. We have the sweetest available to us if we just pray, listen, and wait. 

Watermelon & Jesus are worth it.